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We learned long ago the power of pooling resources. That's why we combine your sponsorship gift with the contributions of the sponsors and donors. Instead of giving money directly to individual sponsored children, we can help more people make lasting changes in their lives.

And every contributions you make actually helps us raise more money for the children! Your gifts help us qualify for valuable assistance from community organizations, corporations, foundations and various governments.

"Yes, but can I really make a difference?"

Happily, the answer is resounding "yes!" Combined with the hard work of families and communities, sponsorship contributions is helped make unparalleled progresss for the world's poorest children. Over the years, child moritality rates and the proportion of people living in absolute poverty has steadily and significantly declined.

But the battel is far from being won. Sadly, it seems that just we win on one front, dreadful new challenges emerge to haunt the children.

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Partner For change Program